Docs with lace FOR BOOT LOVERS Docs with lace

Due to popular demand I have decided to market my hand crafted laces.

Express your individuality with these custom made, one off, laces.

Now you can have your choice of colours for $15 (AUD) a pair.  That's only $7.50 per boot lace.

Lace being madeClose up of laces

 Simply select 5 colours from the table below and e-mail me your choice.
Allow about 2 weeks, 'coz I have to make them.

Colour selection table (Please note that different browsers and monitors can give varying results.)
Alice blue Antique white Aqua Aquamarine
Azure Beige Bisque
Black Blanched almond Blue Blue violet
Brown Burly wood Cadet blue Chartreuse
Chocolate Coral Cornflower blue Corn silk
Crimson Cyan Dark blue Dark cyan
Dark golden rod Dark gray Dark green Dark khaki
Dark magenta Dark olive green Dark orange Dark orchid
Dark red Dark salmon Dark sea green Dark slate blue
Dark slate gray  Dark turquoise Dark violet Deep pink
Deep sky blue Dim gray Dodger blue Firebrick
Floral white Forest green Fuchsia Gainsborough
Ghost white Dark yellow Golden rod Gray
Green Green yellow Honeydew Hot pink
Indian red Indigo Ivory Khaki
Lavender Lavender blush Lawn green Lemon chiffon
Light blue Light coral Light cyan Light golden rod yellow
Light green Light grey Light pink Light salmon
Light sea green Light sky blue Light slate gray Light steel blue
Light yellow Lime Lime green Linen
Magenta Maroon Medium aquamarine Medium blue
Medium orchid Medium purple Medium sea green Medium slate blue
Medium springgreen Medium turquoise Medium violet red  Midnight blue
Mint cream Misty rose Moccasin Navajo white
Navy Old lace Olive Olive drab
Orange Orange red Orchid Pale golden rod
Pale green Pale turquoise Pale violetred Papaya whip
Peach puff Peru Pink Plum
Powder blue Purple Red Rosy brown
Royal blue Saddle brown Salmon Sandy brown
Sea green Sea shell Sienna Silver
Sky blue Slate blue Slate gray Snow
Spring green Steel blue Tan Teal
Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet
Wheat White White smoke Yellow
Yellow green  

Doc with laceBoot with lace

Custom made laces look great in any pair of boots, especially Dr Martens, Blundstones, Rossi boots, etc...


Any comments e-mail me: